Lights Camera Action WIGGLES! · posted May 5, 04:58 AM

Davin and I were on the computer today and he asked to go to the Wiggles site, which we haven’t been to in about a month. Well on the main page I saw something about their US tour dates. Since they are in Australia they don’t tour in the US that often. Well when I clicked on Salt Lake it said May 4th! So I called Jeremiah and we went to get tickets at lunch time and decided to just surprise Davin. When we got there Davin looked into the doorway and saw the Wiggles stage and was like, wait a minute lets go in there and look at that! He was in shock for about the first 30 minutes and just stared saying “There’s Captian Feathersword. There’s Greg. There’s Dorothy”. I told him he could get up and dance and he said, with an attitude, “Mom, I just want to watch them.”

Toot toot chugga chugga big red car :) Yes, Jeremiah and I were singing along pretty much every word! It actually was a neat show and very tolerable! Brendin bounced and sang for about 30 minutes straight and then got really sleepy!

Davin was asking us about the Pig Races at the Fair. He actually remembers this from last September. He was asking why the pig was trying to eat his shirt and asked if I remembered what they were feeding the pigs. And I did, it was ice cream and he said “Right, ice cream, that’s right Mom!”

Talking to Davin about the Wiggles Show. Jeff, the guy in purple, always falls asleep and they have to yell “1, 2, 3, WAKE UP JEFF!”. He likes me and Jeremiah to pretend we are sleeping so that he can yell that. We bought him a feathersword stuffed toy and he couldn’t even talk. He just smiled and said “Wow.” He was so excited to get home and get into this past years Captian Feathersword costume and tickle people with his new sword.
Click for Wiggles Show Talk

Brendin thought I was very funny at the Park yesterday!! We’ve never heard him laugh this hard before. Brendin also started giving five today and is really excited about learning. We’ll ask him where the motorcycle toy is, he’ll find it and hold it up with a big grin on his face. Davin is really good about teaching Brending. If he’s playing soccer he’ll hold the ball in front of Brendin and say “Ball, ball, this is a ball Brendin”.
Click for Giggles!

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5th Anniversary · posted May 3, 08:28 PM

Davin getting to throw the ball in at Saturday’s game

Davin, Daddy and Brendin at the Real Salt Lake Game

Davin’s new hockey sticks. He shoots into his soccer goal and really is good at it.

More Wacky Brend-O Hair

Davin a little under the weather, resting on the couch

We had a great 5th Anniversary yesterday. Jeremiah planned out a night starting with our couples massage at a Day Spa. Then we went out to eat at a really nice Italian restaurant. Then I thought we were going home and after talking about Davin and Brendin during dinner I was ready to see them. Jeremiah had made reservations at the Anniversary Inn. There rooms are very, very themed rooms. We stayed in the tropical room and the hot tub/shower was black rock going up to the ceiling to look like a volcano and the shower was actually a waterfall coming down the volcano. It was really neat. I’m really glad he picked that over the covered wagon room that we toured when my mom was here!! There were rose petals, cheesecake, sparkling cider, anniversary champagne flutes and a candle for us in the room. They also delivered a snack but after that full course meal and drinking so much water at the day spa we couldn’t even look at it!

Therapy is going well. I just had to switch therapists and trying to get the schedule at the right time is a bit of a pain. For the first time after about 45 days of straight migraine headaches I’ve had some relief. There have been entire days where I’ve been able to say I haven’t noticed a headache. The vertebra hasn’t moved but the muscles are loosening up.

Ed and Sarah watched the boys last night and Davin was asking where we were and said “I just don’t like it when they leave.” But that’s about all he said about it. This morning when he woke up he said “Guys, is that you out there?” And his face lit up when he saw me at the door to get him out of bed. He asked where we were and I told him we went out to dinner. He said “I wanted to go to dinner too but you just didn’t want me to. I don’t like it when you’re gone. I was looking all over for you guys and I missed you so much”. It was too cute. Then he said he had a tummy ache and then he said his throat was sore and he started coughing and throwing up a little bit. He’s got a low fever and is resting on the couch today. Jeremiah was sick yesterday so maybe it’s that. I thought I had a sinus infection for about a week after I got over my cold and am just starting to feel better so I better not get sick again!

Brendin started waving bye-bye and says “buh buh” while he’s doing it. He is saying Momma really clear now. The other day he held his arms up to me and said Momma! Davin did great again in his soccer game on Saturday. He almost scored his first goal but it hit the post. Then he accidentally kicked it into the other team’s goal. He was having a blast like always and he got to hand out the snacks at the end of the game. Jeremiah and Davin were practicing and the ball hit Davin in the face. He said “Dad, please don’t pass the ball to my nose anymore.”

We also want to thank everyone who emailed us kind words and/or made orders through We really appreciate the support from family and friends. You guys helping us spread the word is going to help out so much. So feel free to email our link to everyone you know! :)

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Toys, Wedding, Day at the Mall, Soccer · posted Apr 23, 06:01 AM

Grandma Deb sent us Easter money so we bought Davin a Sesame Street Doctor kit and a motorcycle racing toy. He loves them both. Thanks Grandma!

Davin loves to grab Brendin and ask me to go grab the camera and take a picture

Some friends of ours got married on Friday and Davin had a great time. Unfortunately they are moving on Monday and will be stationed in D.C. For a three hour ordeal Davin did a great job. He kept asking where the Mom in the pretty white dress was even though he knows her name. He kept wanting to give her hugs and talkt o her. Here he is with the bride and the groom.


We were worn out after but he wanted a picture of me in my “dancing dress”!

At the Gateway Mall Fountains

This picture turned out so cute!

Brendin’s funny face of the day

Davin’s team scored about 5 goals in a row so Davin decided he better be a goalie for a little while…in the other teams goal!


Click here for Brendin’s First Time clapping!
Click here for New Toy Video!
Click here for Fountain Video!

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Happy Easter, SNOW? · posted Apr 17, 10:27 PM

Why oh why is it snowing today?

Grandma Susan & Family sent us a great Easter care package. The Hubba Bubba bubble gum egg laying chicken was a hit with Jeremiah. The boys took the chalk outside to write G Susan a message.

Kaleb & Morgen sent the boys some Easter stuff as well. Here’s Davin waiting to see what this capsule sponge turns into. He’ll later wash the patio furniture with it!

Grandpa Dave sent a package with a blankie for Davin and fish pillow for Brendin and some candy. TY Grandpa Dave!

Brendin’s first taste of Alfredo..oh how he loved the Alfredo!

Working on some importing documents and paperwork.

Third Soccer Game: Talk about improvements! Only 5 kids showed up so he played the whole game. He ran, he kicked, he did somersaults. Everyone noticed how much he went after the ball. He almost scored from center but it got knocked out a few inches before the goal. He was having so much fun. The parents started asking us if he was 3 or if had turned 4 already….

Spying on orange…and blending in very well until the other teams coach pushed him out of the way. We all had a good laugh about this.

Shaking hands.

Mini basket that Davin made

Easter morning:

Down at Fraggle Rock Yeah!

Brendin got ahold of a tootsie roll and started sucking the chocolate through the wrapper and oh my was he mad when we took it away!

I talked to my neurologist MPAS, PA-C (whatever that stands for) this morning and she said that my blood work came back with me testing positive in 3 or 4 parameters for the Epstein-Barr Virus. This could also cause chronic headaches. I’m to try tapering off the Topamax because I don’t see that it’s doing any good and see if I notice a difference and then go back up in the dosage again. There is nothing to do for the Epstein-Barr besides rest and fluids, making sure I’m eating right and getting 8 hours of sleep. She said this is probably why I’m tired a lot and this could also be causing muscle spasms that cause headaches or causing headaches that cause muscle spasms. This could be what led to a vertebrae being pushed out of place. I think she told me moving to Hawaii would help out…she just needs to write me a prescription and get Tricare to approve that referral.

A Few Videos For You
Click here!
Click here!
The Easter Egg Hunt, all you parents should be ashamed of yourselves for not letting the kids have the fun! :) Davin had fun even though the parents about knocked him over trying to gather candy and eggs for the kids.
Click here !

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Getting Ready For Easter 2006 · posted Apr 12, 09:16 PM

We did our Easter eggs last weekend and I found an egg spinner which was a lot of fun. Davin’s hand got tired so he started using his elbow!

Davin said “Look at Bredin’s silly silly hair!”

My MRI came back normal, I had blood drawn on Tuesday and should have the results back by the end of this week. I had my physical therapy today and they found a vertebrae out of place in my neck. It could be the cause of my headaches, it for sure is the cause of my sore neck! So I’ll be doing therapy twice a week and staying on the seizure medication for about three more weeks and see if that helps.

This is what we do every night before bed. We play either Pirate Ship or Recue Hero or something like Dora the Explorer where we drive around looking for a Map. Anyway, last night I video taped some of it and it’s pretty funny. Hopefully you can understand it. He’s talking about rescuing a guy that’s fallen down the hill. He’s sad that he lost his gum and doesn’t think a rope will work so he’s going to try Dad’s backpack. At the end when he goes to rescues something if you can’t hear he throws it back because it’s juse ‘seaweed’! I lightened the video up a bit so I hope you can see it. And this is a HUGE video, 3 minutes. So if you have dial up….go make dinner or something!
Click here!

I was trying to get Davin to tell the camera what he was doing….he kept forgetting what he was doing!

Click here for Take One!
Click here for Take Two!
Click here for Take Three!

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Soccer Game · posted Apr 8, 08:17 PM

Davin had his 2nd soccer game today. He is the Pandas and he played the Koalas. He won his last game and his game today. I can’t believe how much better he did this week compared to last week. He went after the ball way more and had a lot more fun. Last week he spent a lot of time coming over to the blanket enjoying snacks with Brendin. This game he played pretty much the entire game and was very excited about the whole thing. He also took some time out to tell the coach how good of a soccer player he was! They took pictures to day, can’t wait to get those back, he had a cute cheesy grin and he got to hold his own soccer ball.

Nice new uniform with shorts and socks

He picked number 3

Corner kick

Giving Dad 5 after kicking the ball

We were at the Zoo the other day when it was about 70 degrees and got to see the baby Bornean Orangutan Acara who is still tiny and so cute even though she was born last May by cesarean!

Davin’s lastest song that he sings while playing his guitar…”Beverly Hills”
Click here!

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The Day After · posted Mar 31, 06:51 PM

We had a nice day yesterday. I got to get up at 7 and take Zoë to the vet for a teeth cleaning and a tons of other stuff that she needed to have done. Then I needed to take Icky in at 4 to the shot clinic to get the rest of his shots and pick up Zoë. She did fine with the anesthesia and doesn’t seem to hate me!

We went to the Bohemian Brewery for Jeremiah’s Birthday dinner and met Sarah and my Aunt Tami. It was really nice (Ma, if it makes you feel any less jealous…nobody had your favorite Rueben!). The boys both did really well and we were even there for 2 hours. When I was at the party store I found this cute hat for Jeremiah (he always says hats are too small for him…this one was sure to not get his hopes up!) and a little Buzz Lightyear toy for Davin that I wrapped with Jeremiah’s gift. Davin goes “Wow, can I borrow that Dad!” He was pretty excited that he got a gift too. I got Jeremiah a hot air balloon ride for the 4 of us that we can do whenever. Probably sometime this spring when everything is green and prettier to look at. When I told him his gift was bigger than a car he was a big puzzled. Then on the way in I told him it was even bigger than a house.

That morning we had made Jeremiah a cake and decorated it and I told Davin to keep it a secret. While I was at the party store I found soccer candles to put on the cake so I had Davin put them on. Then he went back in the bedroom, looked at me and whispered “What do I say?” I said “Nothing, don’t blow our cover!” Davin amazingly kept the secret of the cake! Earlier when I asked Davin what Daddy would like on his cake he said “Um, a Pontiac”. Is that not the truth or what?!

You can’t see it that well but Davin’s trike bucked him off onto our railing and he got a big old lump that apparently didn’t hurt that bad and then he was doing a jig with Aunt Tami and ran into the corner of the table and got another lump! Poor guy.

After we had cake Jeremiah was on the phone with his family for a while and Davin and I were just sitting around playing and my head told me I needed to lie down. Davin asked if he could come with me…even though I figured it wouldn’t help my head I said sure. Well to my surprise he sat on the bed with me and our convo went a little like this:
We first talked about the Wiggles for a few minutes and then Davin said “So now what’s wrong with your head?”
“I’m just having headaches, they don’t know why yet”
“Well, we’d better get you to the doctor. Don’t worry; they’ll make you feel all better.” He then asked me to take my pig tails out so he could rub my head to make it feel better!
After that relaxing scalp massage he, in a very empathetic tone said “Mom, thank you so much for helping me make Daddy a birthday cake. And thank you for lighting the soccer candles and the other candles and singing happy birthday with me. I was so happy today. Then Jeremiah came in and told Davin it was time for bed and Davin said he needed to stay in here with me to make me feel better and that Jeremiah needed to just go back out there and not come back in for a very long couple of minutes. Ha! We sat in the dark and talked for about 15 minutes. He was so good yesterday I could swear he was 6 years old. That’s why I’m getting this post in early today he’s getting to watch some extra cartoons during snack tome. I can hear him yelling things in Spanish as he’s watching Dora the Explorer as I’m posting this.

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Happy Birthday to You · posted Mar 30, 03:17 PM

Happy Birthday Jeremiah!
Davin wanted to do some ‘craft time’ for Daddy’s birthday and when I asked him what he wanted to make he said a candle with the felt and after he made that he wanted spiders out of pipe cleaner! Oooh he’s too cute.

We had the on TV while we were doing this and someone was getting married. Davin asked what they were talking about and I told him they were getting married. He said “Are they going to have a baby. Maybe, like…Jesus or somethin’?”

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Bowling! · posted Mar 24, 10:47 PM

Grandma Rose Marie came to Wendover which is about 2 hours from here so we drove out for dinner. Davin sang “You Are My Sunshine” and put on his soccer gear to for her. She thinks he’s a great singer and has great power!

Davin asked if we could go play the game where you roll the ball and knock down pins. I said “You mean bowling?” “YEAH!!!” he said. So we went to Fat Cats so Davin could bowl for the first time. It’s a really nice kid friendly place. They have a huge arcade and amazingly no ‘out of order’ signs! They all looked like brand new games so we’ll be back to do the arcade thing. They also have a play place area for really young ones. Oh yeah, I can’t forget to mention that I beat Jeremiah on the 2nd game :)

We were reading books and I asked Davin to help Brendin find his missing snack, Davin busted out laughing when he found it on Brendin’s nose. Then Brendin was laughing because Davin was laughing. Not sure how it got stuck there but it was sure funny.

Davin modeling one of the hats for Harmonic

Brendin doing his usual yelling-just-to-hear-himself-yell routine!
Video: Click Here!

P.S. I had my neurologist appointment and it went well. They put me on a seizure medication starting at a low dose and moving up then weaning off of it when the headaches go away. They also want me to try physical therapy and told me to stop drinking my Dr. Pepper. He was surprised that I told him no big deal. He said most people fight for their caffeine. I’ll be having a MRI as well as a boat load of blood tests done. I will keep everyone updated on “the headache”.

P.S.S. To keep my space down I’ve removed a few videos so if you are trying to watch some old videos and they don’t load, just email me and I can email you the video. :)

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A Couple More Videos · posted Mar 20, 01:22 AM

Sorry, once again I turned the camera so you’ll have to tilt your head a little!!

Click here!

Trap, shoot, score! Davin learned how to trap the ball and is so excited about soccer. Next week will be the orientation where he gets his jersey, shoes and all that good stuff. Then his first game will be the following Saturday. He can barely contain himself!
Click here!

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