April-Trip to ND-Zoo-Swimming · posted Apr 21, 08:40 PM
At the Discovery Park
Uh oh…MESS!
Pictures from our trip to Bismarck this month. We went to the Zoo, Space Aliens and visited family.
Yes, he learned how to milk a cow and Grandma taught him how to feed the animals.
Latest haircut…
At a park near our house…swinging and chasing ducks as well as being brave and looking into the stream from the bridge.
Jamming out to the Wiggles
Talking with the lemur at the Hogle Zoo
We pulled out the ballpit this week…he went crazy!
Sugar House Aquatic Center
What are you doing Davin?
Ahhh, using Mr. Potato Head’s skateboard!
Here’s a video of Davin counting, he’s learned 1, 2, 3 and 3, 2, 1.
Click Here 1, 2, 3!!!
I know, only one pic of big ‘ol me, but I am in a swimming suit! The checks-ups are going fine, we have one on Wednesday and then we’ll be going almost every week. My stomach already measures bigger than what it did June 1st of my last pregnancy! 59 days to go…
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Happy 4th of July!! · posted Jul 7, 05:17 PM
Not a whole lot of excitement going on here, just a few pictures from the past month. At Davin’t appointment he weighed 21.5lbs so he has finally slowed down! We just stayed home for the 4th of July and got some work done around the house. We laid the tile in one of our bathrooms and have started getting the other one ready. Turned out really nice, click here to see. This is the master bath. And, here are some pictures for you.
Davin with his new mower:
At the SLC Hogle Zoo with the elepahants:
Playing at the Zoo:
At the Sugar House Park:
Davin putting on the brakes!
I didn’t think this toy was going to become a choking hazard!
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Vacation Photos from CA & Hawaii! · posted May 19, 06:32 AM
Finally, our pictures from Hawaii and California!
First time in a swimming pool!
After not getting on a flight we took a tour of the first Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, CA
One day we drove down to San Francisco & another day to Santa Cruz. The drives were beautiful. Here we are on Santa Cruz beach:
First time on the beach in Hawaii at the beautiful Hale Koa resort for military:
Davin eating caviar!
Playing on the beach on Kauai:
The Kilawea beach on Kauai:
Jade pushing Davin:
Family picture in front of the Murphy home in Kauai:
Davin, Doreen & Pierce:
Davin and Mommy by the Plumeria tree:
Davin eating (fresh!) pineapple for the 1st time!
The sunset on Waikiki Beach
On Waikiki Beach:
Davin and Daddy w/ a Hawaiin Rainbow!
Shoveling sand on Ke’e Beach!
Davin and Jade…it must be love!
At the Princeville hotel overlooking Hanalai Bay watching the sunset:
Cute Grin of the Month: On his toy that Grandma Deb got him:
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Hurricane Isabel · posted Sep 25, 07:47 PM
Here are some pictures from the hurricane…and I put up some pics of Davin below.
Here is Isabel heading for the base:
The main road on the base flooded during the storm:
ACC Headquarters:
This is some bad luck…one tree took out the house and the car!
Just a huge tree knocked over:
A gas station near the base: