Funny Pictures of Davin · posted May 27, 06:49 PM
After about a month of working on walking he’s actually taking 10-20 steps at a time!! Davin has finally decided he’s going to master his walking skills. He’s got great balance now so he doesn’t fall on his face, he knows how to just sit down. I guess that’s what is nice about having a cautious walker! He took his time learning to walk and hopefully we won’t have any major bruises. He also started standing from a sitting position without help last week, he startd in the middle of the kitchen and was pretty impressed with himself. There are a few things he’s ‘almost’ saying: What’s that?, foot, juice and ball are the four that he’s close to saying. Might get some video of him walking tonight and put it up on here when I put up his birthday announcement.
Davin waking up after a good nap!
Here’s what happens at breakfast with Dad!
Trying on Daddy’s sunglasses:
Being cute…