Texas…School and Vacation · posted Dec 19, 05:47 AM

Didn’t get these up before we left for Salt Lake so they are a bit late. Davin and I went down to San Antonio for the last few weeks of Jeremiah’s schooling. We did a lot of site seeing. The Zoo was awesome, we spent a lot of time there. We also went to the River Walk, again, as well as Sea World since they were offering free admission for military. The Botanical Gardens was a nice visit but wasn’t quite as nice as the one in Norfolk, VA.

But this should more than make up for me being late with this post….

We fed the dolphins at Sea World…

Here’s Davin…learning early!

Having fun at bath time….and sucking some toes:

At Hemisfair Park where the 1968 World’s Fair was held:

At Wedding Rock on the River Walk

And finally, on November 26th Jeremiah graduation from Recruiting School. He won the Sales Award for being one of the top performers in his class.

Pics of Davin’s baptizm, his first visit with his cousin Kaleb and others will be up soon! Right now we are staying in an extendend stay Hotel suite in Salt Lake City and are starting to look at houses this weekend.