Brendin's off and Jumping! · posted Sep 30, 03:32 AM

Brendin’s already 3 1/2 months old and weighing in at about 15lbs. He’s starting to sit up and attempting to roll over. We put him in the jumper thinking he’d slump over but he loved it and bounced around for about 10 minutes. Davin calls Brendin Brend-O and it’s hilarious. He’ll say “How are you Brend-O, you are a cutie pie!?” He’s also into saying “Oh wow, that’s my favorite one.” and “Wow, I’ve never seen that toy/book/movie before.”

At the beautiful downtown Library where we go about once a week to get DVD’s and books for Davin and to play on the kids floor which has a room made into a attic and also a crystal cave room. There’s a lot to do there and he loves to run around picking out books.

Brendin’s first time picking up a toy and putting it to his mouth

The floating chew toy! I took the picture just as he let go-I thought it was wierd that it isn’t blurry like moving objects normally are and from the look on Brendin’s face he was amazed too!

Davin’s first picture in Paint

We baked two enormous rainbow cookies…Mom didn’t care that the yield was 6!

First time in the Jumper

Look at me Mom!

Oh yes, and a milestone for me…I fit into my jeans! Wahooo! I responded to the comments from the last post…I always forget to do that!