Brendin's 6 Month Check Up · posted Jan 7, 03:58 AM
Brendin started to get sick so we took him into the doctor on the 2nd and the doctor doesn’t think he has any pneumonia, thankfully! Then on the 4th he had his 6 month check-up even though he was actually 6 1/2 months! He weighed 17lbs 10oz (30-40th percentile) and is 28 1/2 inches long (97th precentile!). Davin was 18lbs 7 oz and 26 1/2 inches on December 29th when he was 6 1/2 months. So Brendin is 2 inches longer and a pound lighter, the numbers show that the pictures do, that Davin was a chunk of a baby!
Here’s a picture when Davin was sick…actually he’s not looking too bad but I had to lie and say I was taking a picture of the wall :)
Feeling better playing on the website
The Viking Hat
Davin took the picture of Daddy and Brendin!